CALUNAH came into existence thanks to the grand initiative of Pastor Roberne J. and Mrs. Lynouse Dubreuze Saint-Louis, both former students of the Adventist University of Haiti (UNAH). Indeed, upon having returned from their home country where they had the opportunity to visit the campus of Diquini, they set up a program to bring together and connect all UNAH nationals so they could look towards the beloved Alma Mater.
It was with this idea in mind that on Saturday, December 13, 1993, an impressive group consisting of more than one-hundred fifty (150) former UNAH students, employees, and supporter friends met at the former well-known Haitian restaurant La Détente, one of the most prestigious restaurants in the nation at that time. During that special occasion, with the cordial participation of Pastor Ezechias Jean, then president of the Université Adventiste d’Haїti (UNAH), an administrative core was nominated to follow up on this viable enterprise under the leadership of the co-founder, Pastor Roberne J. Saint Louis, as president, with team leaders such as Mr. Guéus Robert, Mr. Mirabeau Jean, Mr. Joel Gomez, Dr. Roland Brutus, Mrs. Lynouse D. Saint-Louis, Dr. Gaston Valcin, Mrs. Emmanuela St. Jean, and Pastor Nicodème Myrthil. More details regarding the inception of the organization can be read on the website at calunah.org.
CALUNAH did not experience a path void of turbulence. On the contrary, it faced more than enough challenges to bring about its annihilation. However, thanks to the guidance of the Almighty God, coupled with the support of many, it has developed tremendously and now comprises more than a thousand members and official correspondents within various regions of the United States, Canada and overseas. CALUNAH is on the verge of celebrating its 30th anniversary. We are grateful to God and to all those who played a significant role in the growth of this organization. We wish CALUNAH long life and continued success in the pursuit of its humanitarian mission.